DinosaurJS 🦕
For questions during the talk tweet @paladique
Building a Babel 7 Processor
Cassidy Willams (@cassidoo)
- @babel/standalone
- contains most of the presets and pluggins
- it was not extendable, so it had to be done themselves
- Design Considerations
- Browser support
- Did not compile to ES2015, since very few people use IE10 or older
- Customizable plugins
- Extendable
- Catch errors in both the babel pipeline and user code
- Handle infinite loop detection, since infinite loops break the application
- Tests
- Everything was tested, each plugin, the combination of plugins, etc
Note for future talks: put twitter handle at the bottom of every page
A Postmortem on the Ingen Incident
Haley Denbraver (@hayleydenb)
- Used Jarassic Park to demonstrate walking through an incident
- All complex systems behave in unpredicatable ways when minor chaos is induced
- Sources of chaos
- Teams missing context
- Pressure to finish things too quickly
- Unethical behavior
- Chaos Engineering
- Practice of breaking your system on purpose and documenting how to fix it
- Don’t start in prod
- Start small, make a prediction, observe and iterate
- Another term for chaos enginer: chaos injection
- Recommendations
- Hire people you can trust
- Allocate appropriate budgets to projects
- Utilize chaos engineering
- Not moving forward is an option, you can say no
How To Have An Amicable Breakup with a JavaScript Library
Daria Caraway (@darcar31)
- Phases of using a javascript library
- honeymoon phase
- at some point you get very attached
- breakup
- The breakup
- Reasons
- Completely move on
- Won’t let go
- Ghost them: leave the code alone
- Remain friends: iteratively remove the code
- Preparing for the breakup
- Write tests that don’t depend on an implementation
- Use wrapper components
- This de-risks your application from any one library
- Allows you to swap out for your own implementation if nothing else works
- Define interfaces, the contract/api for the component
- Live demo on how to swap out an entirely different component library
Codemods: Refactoring JavaScript using JavaScript
Saimon Sharif (@saimonsharif)
- Codemod
- scripts used to help with refactoring
- refactor by using transfromers
- jscodeshift: mainstream codemod lib
- recast: a tool for parsing, manipulating and returning code
- AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
- consists of nodes that describe the structure of our programs
- https://astexplorer.net
- General flow: Parse => Modify => Regenerate
- Demo write a codemod to transform function expressions into arrow functions
- Helpful to write out some cases manualy to understand the expected input/output. Think of them like test cases
- jscodeshift can select all functions and filter out functions that contain
- Tips
- Have safety nets in place before using them, extensive testing is key
- Don’t make any additional changes on codemod refactored branches (especially manual changes)
- Split up codemod changes into multiple changes and deploy each one separately
- Document your changes for codemods, and include the codemod with the source
- Version control your codemods
- You don’t need to handle every case, can handle edge cases later
The Future Of Web Animation
Sarah Drasner (@sarah_edo)
- The web is about communication
- Hooks
- Changing to Composition Components
- Can encapsulate animations so they can be reused on composed
- Page Transitions
- going from page to page with different structures increases cognitive load
- Using more intuative layouts and smart transitions can help reduce cognitive load
- next.js for Vue
- can create page transitions using css classes and javascript for advanced transitions
- Vue "Flip under the hood"
- Wrap a group of elements and define how they change over time
- Responsive Webdesign
- flexbox covers 2d
- what about 3d experiences with VR?
- we can do this with current tech
- three.js
- future media queries might have VR as a query
- ARKit 2.0
- ARChemistry - new experiences that for learning
- Static 2D is an abstraction from 3D
- Progressive Enhancement
- A book that has 3d view when looking at it with an iPad
- “We Are In A Rut. A Rut Shaped Like This” – pointing out hwo all sites look the same
Pika: Reimagining the Registry
Fred K. Schott (@fredkschott)
- A talk about why use bundlers
- npm is the reason why we need bundlers
- Module History
- Common.js was never meant to run in the browser
- Web as using AMD
- Eventually browserify brought Common.js to the web and AMD dissappears
- Web moved to ES Modules but node.js is still on Common.js
- Pika: A tool to find Modern modules
- @pika/web
- only runs when your dependencies change
- allows javascript packages to run in your browser
- removes need to bundle code and have very complex toolchains
- you can still use a build step if you’d like to
- about simplification and reducing tools
- We still need bundlers
- imports
- bad subdependencies
- bad imports
- bad node isms
import url from 'url'
- Divide
- One group focused on JS and everyone
- Everyone in an npm survey wanted to have less tooling – simplify!
The Art Of Teaching
Lori Culberson (@irongirltx)
- Teacher - someone who has knowledge to share
- Student - someone who wants to learn
- How We Learn
- With new information our brain starts to look for clues
- Schema
- Building blocks for knowledge
- New knowledge is built on previous knowledge and experiences
- How We Teach
- We have a tendency to teach the same way we like to learn
- Students don’t necessarily learn the way we teach, we have different learning styles
- Unless there is an impairment most of us learn in a combination of ways
- Set the stage for a no judgement learning zone
- It’s ok to make mistakes
- If students don’t understand try a new way to teach
- Provde learner with clues
- Spell out acronyms
- Example: CDN
- Explain in byte sized pieces
- Avoid verbally overwhelming explainations
- Talk for only 3-5 minutes, then check for understanding
- Check for understanding
- Ask studens to summarize what they learned, then provide quiet think time
- Techniques
- Pair & share
- Write a summary
- Draw a picture
- Don’t interrupt when the learner is summarizing, they might catch themselves (which is a great learning tool)
- Benefit of Confusion
- Making errors facilitates learning as long as corrective feedback follows
- Drawback of Confusion
- If a student started off and stayed confused it hindered learning
- Validates the need for a feedback loop to check for understanding more frequently
- Don’t Use Sarcasm
- Sarcastic comments are putdowns wrapped in humor
- Many people feel put down and think the sarcastic person is a jerk
Data Science in the Browser: DX & UX
Jana Beck (@iPancreas)
- Data Science at Stichfix
- co-dev with data scientists
- have multiple teams focused on areas of the product
- Dimensionailty reduction
- allow you to see relationships between items
- t-SNE
- Componentization
- minimize load on users’ compute resources
- minimize compute time
- better UX
- how?
- compute on the GPU
- caching!
- data that doesn’t change often
- local storage
- Web Workers
- create an embedder (thing that runs UMAP) in a web worker
- bundling the embedder allows it to be easily shared
- OffscreenCanvas (new)
- better DX
- caching
- componentization is important for DX
- Demo
- UMAP of numbers using the MNIST dataset in the browser
- UMAP of articles of clothing to similarly catagorize them
- Could be used for suggesting similar items of clothing
- opensourced: npm install react-flatland
A Partial Taxonomy of Test Unreliability
Rich Trott (@Trott)
- Tools
- Have a job that runs lots of different configurations, serial, parallel etc. it will help find wierd stuff
- Types
- Race Condition
- Writing to and reading from the same file in parallel
- Magic Number
- Loop with iterations that work on a fast machine and not on a slow machine
- Special case of race condition
- Long Timeout
- Special case of magic number
- Deadlock
- Two resources waiting on the same thing
- Special case of race condition
- Too Much Stuff Going On (TMSGO)
- Might launch too many processes
- Special case of race condition
- Firewall!
- Make 500 HTTP requests to a test resource and hit a bottleneck
- Special case of race condition
- Range Overflow
- Limited system resources to allocate, like port allocation
- Global State
- It’s very likely to be a race condition (probably)
A Tale of Two Architectures
Tejas Kumar (@TejasKumar_)
- Native / PWA
- We build things to solve problems
- Problem solved in demo: How much medicine is in his system to counteract Hemophelia
- Shown as a percentage in realtime
- Demo
- Using
- react native components have some properties that are not easy to work with
- 66.7% of devs use JS
- Web apps that progress into an application
- More accessible
- Faster
- Smaller
- PWA checklist is huge, and some of the items are difficult
- Good
- Work on all devices
- Single codebase for all the things
- Universal experience
- Familiar tooling
- Use device features when available (progressive enhnacement)
- Bad
- Hard to monetize
- Limited access to device API
- UI/UX inconsistency
- Browser support
- Security
- React Native
- There’s targets for Andriod, iOS and other platforms – but not the web
- There is work getting web as a build target
and react-native-dom
- Good
- Write React once, deploy everywhere
- Easy monitization
- Can share state with Native OS (Ex: Healthkit)
- Bad
- Different APIs for different devices
- Trivial tasks are sometimes complex (demo was a great example of this)
- There are more cons, but Expo helps with them
- Which one should I use?
- It depends on your use case
- Humans first – people use apps to solve problems, they’re not worried about “do you use webpack”